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20 Questions Investors Will Ask You

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When it comes to finding the funds required to launch your business or idea, your goal is to provide all the information necessary to potential sources of funding. For angel investors specifically, you’ll know if your pitch presentation worked well if you get questions. You’ll always get questions when someone is interested! While this is a good sign, it’s also good to know what type of questions to expect and to prepare your responses.

We want to help you secure funding, so here are 10 questions that should be answered during your pitch presentation:

  1. What problem does your product or service solve?20QUESCOVER
  2. What makes you different from products or services similar to it?
  3. How do you plan on making money with this product or service?
  4. How do you plan on making money for us (the investors)?
  5. How will you spend the funds that you need?
  6. How fast will you grow and scale?
  7. How do you plan on getting started?
  8. What is your marketing strategy?
  9. What makes your team suited for executing this?
  10. What milestones have you already reached?

And here are 10 follow up questions your potential investors will ask:

  1. What is the story behind this product or service?
  2. Who are your funding sources so far (if there are any)?
  3. Why do you need investors?
  4. Will your product or service grow faster once you receive funds?
  5. Who else have you shown this to?
  6. Who else is interested in this?
  7. Do you have comparable numbers for a similar business or service?
  8. How did you come up with the amount you’re requesting?
  9. Are you underestimating any of your expenses?
  10. What is the timeline after funding?

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By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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