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3 Books Every Digital Marketing Agency Should Have in Their Office

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There’s a lot of work that goes into planning and executing a digital marketing campaign for your business and it all starts with understanding the basic terminology of the industry. In an industry that’s always changing, there are essential digital marketing books every business should read to fully understand digital marketing, digital media advertising, and social media.

From implementing social media to engaging with your customers, to connecting with the world through the web, here are 3 books every digital marketing agency should have in their office.

UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging.

In UnMarketing, Scott Stratten explains how to push for more engagement, transparency and interaction through social media. Stratten uses examples to demonstrate the tools available to reach out to potential customers directly for a better chance of converting them into long-term and loyal clients for your brand. Anyone who wants to better understand how to market and add value to existing and potential customers without the use of traditional marketing should read this book.

The Content Code: Six Essential Strategies to Ignite Your Content, Your Marketing, and Your Business

Mark Schaefer’s book, The Content Code,  is full of tips to encourage readers to share the content their business is producing along with key items the content should include. Schaefer also reminds us that it is about the quality and not the quantity when it comes to using content to engage with our audience. The content tips in his book will help launch your content marketing strategy at lightning speed so hold on tight!

Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising

Ryan Holiday’s book, Growth Hacker Marketing, explains how traditional marketing isn’t as effective anymore and why growth hacking is a more productive way of getting visibility for your products and customers. Holiday describes how growth hackers are the secret weapons behind the beginning of some of the biggest companies. Growth hackers use tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. Holiday also reminds us that marketing never stops and to repeat, refine, and improve.

We know three books on digital marketing won’t be enough to master the whole industry, but these three books will help your business of any size implement the best digital media practices. What are some of your favorite digital marketing books?

By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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