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3 Reasons Why Numbered Headlines Convert Better

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ParadigmNEXT: Top 3 Reasons Why Headlines with Numbers Convert

Have you ever been surfing the web, to only find yourself tempted to click on a Buzzfeed article? A title or headline may pop of nowhere, and for whatever reason you feel the urge to click on the link? One of the reasons that Buzzfeed has millions and millions of pageviews per-day, is because of their carefully crafted headlines and titles. Integrating numbers, countdowns, and top-ten lists, intrigues people to visit the site. Buzzfeed creates the highest number of viral headlines in the entire world.

Using numbers in your titles, will convert better, and can lead more traffic to your blog, ecommerce site, or personal page. We at ParadigmNEXT, have found this has been successful because it catches consumers’ eyes. For example, some of our recent blogs which has gained the most amount of traction (4 Reasons Why Chicago is the New Tech Hub & 5 Tech Startups on PN’s Radar) is because they were easily scannable, and a person did not need to invest too much time to get the main jist of the story. Overdoing number headers can become dry, so it is important to only incorporate periodically, and when best suited. Below you can find our top 3 reasons why number headers convert!

Rank better with SEO

Google will scan better when you there is a number in your header. By ranking better in google, your article can shoot up on google search, and will ultimately lead to more clicks. It is imperative that you have a timely header, that teases the specific post as well. All of these components can give the reader a taste to what he or she is about to read, so you want to make it strong, engaging and concise.

Intrigues Reader

As we mentioned earlier, a number headline catches the eye of a potential reader. We are all drawn to seeing the top reason in a top-10 list, or just scanning through to quickly inform ourselves. In the digital, technological age we live in today, it is hard to keep the attention span of a page visitor. Articles with numbered reasons, converts better because, it simply does not take much effort to consume the key points.

Outlines your Article

By outlining your article with numbers, not only reads easier for your audience, but also makes the writing process more structured for you. Following this outline, can make it simpler to research because the post is already broken down for you. All you have to do is research into the points you’re making, and then fill each section in appropriately.

Again, while number headlines and article convert better, it is important to only use this every-so-often. If your site quickly turns into numbered-headline, after numbered-headline, your content will soon become stale and dry. We hope this helps and inspires for fresh content!

By: Aaron Rosen of ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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