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4 Social Media Tricks to Boost Your Business

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4 Social Media Tips to Boost Your Business blog cover

With billions of social network users worldwide there is no better way for a business to gain free recognition than by being active on social media platforms. The struggle is making your business stand out amongst the thousands of other competitors. Here are 5 social media tricks to boost your business.

Know What’s Hot

With social media, trends and news evolve at lightning speed. By knowing what’s hot and keeping your platforms current, you’ll attract an audience that craves relevant and popular topics. When you manage relevant channels and post about hot topics, your audience will be more likely to check out your website and keep up to date with your business.

Show Your Personality

People are attracted to authenticity and your audience wants to see the real people behind the corporate logo. Post content that your audience can relate to like the tasty lunch you and your colleagues had yesterday or the outing you attended together last week. By sharing personal stories and visuals on social media, you are more likely to attract long-term, loyal supporters and customers.

Be Engaging

Social media allows you to interact with an audience that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise. Engage your followers by asking questions or including a call to action. This could be as simple as “What are your plans for the weekend?” or “What are your favorite trends in the industry today?” You can even go a step further and hold Q&A sessions on Twitter, webinars, and contests or giveaways to get your followers involved.

Repurpose Your Content

There are dozens of social media platforms that are catered toward different audiences and serve different functions. For this reason, repurposing your content to fit the audience and social media platform is essential. An attractive visual on Instagram may not be as popular on Twitter where quick and witty blurbs dominate. Be conscious of what you’re posting and where.

Whether you’re using Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or all three to promote your business, social media is an invaluable tool to gain supporters. What are some social media hacks you swear by?

By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.


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