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5 Social Media Myths you can Avoid this Year

These days, there are several options for businesses to get involved with social media. From the most common channels, like Twitter and Facebook, to the industry-specific or topic-specific channels, many businesses don’t know where to start. Here we outline the 5 most common social media myths and why you are allowed to avoid them this year.

Myth #1: My business needs to be on every social network.

Why You Can Avoid It: Business owners often have limited time and resources to generate and share content on more than four social media channels. Social media should not be very time consuming. Focus on where your customers are. If they are on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, start with those.

Myth #2: My business only needs to be on one social network.

Why You Can Avoid It: Try to focus on two or three social media channels. By putting all of your efforts into one channel, you’re missing opportunities in others. Several channels can bring you traffic and business leads. Information has a greater chance of going viral if it’s seen in more than one place. Take advantage of the multiple opportunities to get your message across!

Myth #3: My customers aren’t using social media.Which Social Media Myths You Can Avoid This Year: Digital Marketing Agency Chicago

Why You Can Avoid It: In a recent study, Pew Research Center found that 74% of adults use social media. Furthermore, media and influencers use social media to research products, services and leads for press stories. Chances are, there are people who are looking for your business on social media.

Myth #4: The more content my business shares, the better.

Why You Can Avoid It: Create content that is educational, inspirational or entertaining. As we’ve written in a few previous blog posts, there are many reasons as to why content is king, and shareable content has originality, positivity and virality. Don’t over post, and don’t be overly promotional; Share what you know and what will provide value to others!

Myth #5: Social media cannot be measured.

Why You Can Avoid It: Google Analytics offers specific measuring tools used to track social traffic. This provides a clear indicator of which channels you should focus on and which posts generated the most traffic. Social media scheduling sites, like Sprout Social and Hootsuite, offer measuring tools as well. On these sites, you can measure the amount of likes and followers, the amount of impressions, the demographics of your audience, and more!

Start the conversation about your business!

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By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a digital markeitng and branding agency headquartered in Chicago. We provide branding, identity, integrated marketing, social media strategy, art direction, web-design & development, startup incubation, commercial video production, product development, and commercial storefront development services to a wide array of clients ranging from bootstrapped startups to successful longstanding companies.

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