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5 Ways To Motivate Yourself Without Coffee

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5 ways to motivate yourself without coffee

It’s 9 am on Monday morning and below freezing outside. All you want to do is curl up on the couch with a hot coffee, but you have a bunch of work to get done in the office and you’re out of coffee grounds. Here are five ways to motivate yourself without coffee.

Create Habits and Stick to Them

You constantly hear people saying that “It takes 21 days to form a habit.” Whether or not this is true, you are far more likely to do something by force of habit than by sheer force. Start forming small habits that make you more productive or feel good like browsing the paper each morning or going for a ten minute walk. After you’ve secured the small habits, implement bigger ones into your workday too!

Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People

If you surround yourself with lazy people, you’ll want to lay on the couch all day and do nothing. The same goes for working hard and being productive. Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you and have goals will have a positive effect on you. The saying “you’re the average of the 5 people you hang out with most” is not a myth. Surround yourself with hard workers and you’ll achieve great things – without depending on five cups of coffee.

Take Care of your Mind and Body

How hard you work is closely related to how healthy your mind and body is. You may have dozens of creative ideas, but no physical energy or mental willpower to complete your work. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you’re lethargic, try to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, fuel your body with healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and exercise as much as possible.

Understand Your End Goal

The key to keeping your motivation up is keeping your eyes on the prize and forming a plan to get there. During low points, reminding yourself why you are doing what you’re doing will help boost your spirits and keep you pushing through. You’ll be happy you didn’t give up when you reach that goal!

Reward Yourself

Sometimes the most effective way to get yourself motivated is by giving yourself an incentive. By making yourself an offer you can’t refuse, big or small, you’ll be more likely to commit yourself to the tasks at hand. Stick a Post-it note on your desk to remind yourself what you’re working for.

So the next time you are out of coffee grounds, don’t stress out. There are lots of other ways to stay motivated!

What tips and tricks do you use to keep yourself motivated without coffee?  Share with us on your FB page  #paradigmNEXTtips

By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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