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Boost Your Brand with Pinterest

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Did you know? 52 percent of daily Pinterest users are using the app in-store to help them decide on purchases. Additionally, 75 percent of Pinterest activity is happening on a mobile device, like iPhones or iPads. As the fourth largest social network, if you do not have a presence on Pinterest, you’re missing an opportunity to make an impression on an audience that is using it for purchasing decisions.

Essentially, Pinterest is the ultimate consumer showroom. Using the richest photos that reflect your products or services, you can create an online shopping experience to showcase the best of your brand. Now with the latest advancements in their analytics department, you can leverage the experience with the data provided. Follow these instructions, and take your brand to the next level with Pinterest!

Boost your brand with Pinterest

Did you know? 52 percent of daily Pinterest users are using the app in-store to help them decide on purchases.

  1. Stay ahead of the competition by analyzing which of your products are popular on Pinterest, along with those of your competitors. You will also be able to come up with new product ideas, think of photograph ideas to show off your products, and stay on top of content trends.
  2. Analyze the behaviors of your audience to create an in-store and on-line experience. For example, in your store, merchandise products in a way that highlights the most popular items on Pinterest. On your website, highlight these products with a “Most Popular on Pinterest” tab or in way that reflects their performance on Pinterst.
  3. Find out which pins are trending to leverage opportunities to drive more purchases. This can include flash sales, in-store sampling, raffles and contests! You can also drive decisions on how products are displayed in catalogs or in media.
  4. Involve your customers by making them part of product creation. Consumers like to feel like their opinions matter and that their purchases are making a difference. Through this, your brand is not only empowering customers, but it is also providing the insight you need to generate leads and grow your business.

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By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a digital agency headquartered in Chicagoland. We provide branding, identity, integrated marketing, social media strategy, art direction, web-design & development, startup incubation, commercial video production, product development, and commercial storefront development services to a wide array of clients ranging from bootstrapped startups to successful longstanding companies.

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