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Chicago’s Youngest Entrepreneurs

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Chicago's Youngest Entrepreneurs according to ParadigmNEXT

Launching a startup comes with many trials and tribulations. The task of bringing an idea into the forefront, takes hard work, persistence, and 100% focus. Beginning a venture as a twenty-something, adds another level of difficulty. But, brilliant young Chicago entrepreneurs are continuing to overcome these challenges, to develop, build and grow their businesses.

Chicago Inno recently just released 25 Chicago Startup Founders Under 25, written by Jim Dallke. The team at ParadigmNEXT were fascinated to see all of the successful young entrepreneurs in Chicago. All types of companies were featured on the list from apps, to clothing lines,to various product and service businesses.  Kaeya Majmundar, Chicago native, and recent graduate of Emory University, was featured for her two companies, Zip Tank, and BZ Box.

BZ Box & Zip Tank-

BZ Box takes the hassle out of packing up with cardboard boxes. The patented product pops open when needed, and then will compress, and fold down to easily store. Zip Tank is Kaeya’s latest product, which has been endorsed by famous athletes, including Derek Rosen, is a jersey which also doubles as a bag.

Kaeya pitched BZ Box earlier this year on Shark Tank. She used what she had learned from that experience, to kickstart Zip Tank. “If you look at the timeline from when I started Bz Box, to when it grew, to Zip Tank, to when it grew, you can immediately see a massive jump. I went zero to a hundred really quick with Zip Tank, and that was thanks to the sharks for beating me down on Shark Tank. I learned so much from that experience. It was amazing,” said Kaeya.

Foxtrot App-

An app which has gotten a lot of buzz throughout Chicago is Foxtrot. Foxtrot was featured on Built in Chicago’s 50 Chicago Startups to watch in 2015. Founders Michael LaVitola, and Taylor Bloom created this app to offer on-demand delivery of sweets, curated goods and everyday essentials. Finding a lot of success in the Chicagoland area, Foxtrot opened two brick and mortar stores in Lincoln Park and the West Loop.

Michael attributes Chicago’s diversity of goods, and the strong startup community for some of Foxtrot’s success. “A business like ours, centered around drink and food, it’s been an amazing place. There are so many craft beers, and awesome spirits and amazing food…The entrepreneurial community has been amazing…connections, introductions and meeting with really smart people,” said Co-founder Michael LaVitola.

Foxtrot is excited to continue expanding. Their goal is to bring Foxtrot to more cities, to offer under-an-hour delivery. “Customers will always able to order for a delivery under-an-hour, that’s our core business. We also hope to have the brick and mortar presence as well, in other cities,” aid Michael.

Advice for young entrepreneurs-

Entrepreneurs of any age can be success, all it takes is a true belief in your product. “My advice would be, don’t compromise on your business. If you have a really good idea, try to go out there, and prove your model,” said Michael.

By: Anatoly Nirshberg and Aaron Rosen of ParadigmNext


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