Digital marketing has been negatively acclaimed with critics claiming that is more about quantity over quality, stating that digital marketers attempt to appeal to as many people as possible, with as little cost as possible, which often results in low conversion rates. However, this is too narrow a scope of what digital marketing actually is. At ParadigmNEXT, we define digital marketing as an integrative approach to a multi-faceted marketing strategy that is fully optimized on a digital platform, with content as its focus.
Content is king for a variety of reasons:
content can make or break your digital branding campaign. That is why this chicago digital branding company won’t stop until you have content worth publishing!
In our opinion, pay-for-click campaigns are only a small part of the full marketing strategy. In our opinion, no matter your age, geography or demographic, buyers have similar purchasing patterns. We all buy based on our group referrals and references. These groups themselves are influenced by interesting and relevant content in the setting that it was brought to them. Nowadays, this is usually in the form of a digital platform-a post, a video, a tweet, anything online from a source they view as reputable and reliable.
By: ParadigmNext
ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is an innovative and creative Chicago digital marketing agency providing a wide range of internet marketing services. They provide digital branding and brand management, identity, integrated marketing, social media marketing & strategy, art direction, website design & development, startup incubation, commercial video production, product development, and commercial storefront development services to a wide array of clients ranging from bootstrapped startups to successful longstanding companies. Follow them on Google+.
Contact us, and let’s begin a journey of strategic growth and operational excellence.