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Featured Friday: Verie (Part 2)

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Featured Fridays: Verie (Part 2!)

What is Verie?

Verie is a mobile, virtual photo ID that allows users to share a verified ID with any person or business they choose. Verie’s goal revolutionize the online world by creating the means to combat fraud, violent crime, and false identities.

Why is it on the ParadigmNEXT radar?

In the Summer of 2014, Anatoly Nirshberg, Managing Partner and Ideation Director of Verie Part 2ParadigmNEXT, received word of an exciting concept of creating a digital identification document to be used in the online dating space. The idea came to him without even a name behind it, but after a few strategy meetings, he immediately onboarded the client for ParadigmNEXT and became involved himself as the business’s Chief Marketing Officer and Co-Founder. ParadigmNEXT and Nirshberg consulted on everything from the brand’s name and product development to management consulting and user testing. They also provided their expertise and execution abilities in the brand’s overall look and feel, while also establishing a voice for it. With ParadigmNEXT’s help, the brand evolved from the original concept into a product that could reach across many mediums and covers a far greater market.

How is it impacting the industry?

Verie, LLC, a former 2015 SXSW Accelerator Finalist has advanced to the second round of the Techweek Launch championship, which is taking place today, along with 15 other semi-finalists. Winners are announced at 4:00pm. Everyone is encouraged to help promote Verie by tweeting their Twitter handle: @VerieApp along with @techweekCHI and #techweekCHI.

By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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