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Featured Fridays: Glappit & Glappitnova

Table of contents:

What is Glappit/Glappitnova?

Our featured business this week is Glappit. Founded in Chicago, it is a social and experiential startup glappitnovathat specializes in creating meaningful experiences. Their latest product, Glappitnova, is a publication and a week-long festival that brings together a community for entrepreneurs, creatives and influencers. The festival allows cultural enthusiasts to hear stories from local influencers in nearby bars or shops. The participants at Glappitnova include local bands, artists, consultants, humanitarians, and many more. To check out all of their participants, visit:

Why is it on the ParadigmNEXT radar?

Glappit and Glappitnova is devoted to enhancing the industry through storytelling and interactive experiences. On the same wavelength, ParadigmNEXT does this through developing and implementing the digital and brand experiences of their clients. Through our comprehensive approach to UX strategy and design, coupled with our marketing and storytelling expertise, we support Glappit’s revolutionary mission to create interconnectivity within Chicago.

How is it impacting the industry?

Glappitnova is revolutionizing the way we are connected and share information. By bring talent, glappitnovaculture, and people together, we are sharing and connecting with each other. It’s an opportunity for Chicagoans to learn, experience and discuss topics within a variety of creative industries. We are all connecting someway whether we are in the technology industry, design industry or any industry, and this gives us a place to learn and share.

By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a digital markeitng and branding agency headquartered in Chicago. We provide branding, identity, integrated marketing, social media strategy, art direction, web-design & development, startup incubation, commercial video production, product development, and commercial storefront development services to a wide array of clients ranging from bootstrapped startups to successful longstanding companies.

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