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Featured Fridays: Techweek

What is Techweek?

Techweek is a weeklong conference and festival that takes place every year in various cities throughout the U.S., specifically Detroit, Los Angeles, New York City, Miami, Kansas City and Chicago. Celebrating technology and innovation, it includes a variety of events, speakers, expos and panel discussions for the purpose of informing and inspiring those in the industry.

Why is it on the ParadigmNEXT radar?Chicago techweek 2015

Techweek Chicago takes place during the week of June 22-28, and ParadigmNEXT is a City Partner. As a city partner, ParadigmNEXT promotes the weeklong event throughout the Chicago tech community. ParadigmNEXT is also offering a prize to the LAUNCH competitors in the form of design, marketing and branding consultation services.

How is it impacting the industry?

The goal of Techweek is to bring together a mixture of entrepreneurs, visionaries and thought leaders to a series of events, including panels and expos. Because of the companies involved and the community hype surrounding Techweek, this week shines a global spotlight onto the innovative and technology developments happening within the city that is hosting Techweek.  True to their mission, Techweek is “about building a better world through tech entrepreneurship.”

By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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