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How to Create the Perfect Posts on Photo Sharing Sites: Instagram, Pinterest & Tumblr

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Photo sharing sites are the best way to not only share your favorite moments and express yourself via images, but to also save your photos in one or multiple places. Through Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr, photo sharing has never been easier. However, while these platforms are user friendly and popular, our digital strategists at ParadigmNEXT have put together our best tips for you on these photo sharing sites!


  • Use other applications such as camera+ and Snapseed to enhance your photos. Once you get used to editing, your feed will have a consistent look and feel.
  • Use relevant photo captions to grab the attention of people and include questions to drive comments.
  • Send notes to people who have liked/commented to drive two way conversations. Keep the comments to a conversational level rather than pushing sales.
  • Putting the subject of the photo in only two thirds of the screen makes it more attractive to the eye.
  • There’s always some random hashtags that come around, so be aware of them if you want loads of engagement!

How to Create the Perfect Posts on Photo Sharing Sites: Instagram


  • Images with no human faces get shared 23% more often than those with human faces.
  • Images with dominant colors (red, dark green, pink) get three times the amount of likes and repins.
  • Images with 50% of color saturation get repinned 4 times more often than those with 100% and 10 times more than black and white images.
  • Use a compelling background that doesn’t take up more than 40% of your image, otherwise you’ll see repins decrease by 50%.
  • Red or orange images get two times the amount of repins.
  • Vertically oriented images perform better than horizontally oriented images. The perfect ratios are 2:3 and 4:5.

How to Create the Perfect Posts on Photo Sharing Sites: Pinterest


  • You’ve got 7 options to choose from, so make sure it’s the right one for the type of content you wish to share!
  • Be aware of your “Tumblr speak.” You don’t want to be in the middle of a great conversation and show that you have no idea that “crying” doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is upset.
  • Tumblr uses hashtags like most other platforms. Make sure to utilize them so that your post is easy to find.
  • Not only will you be more aware of the latest viral post and what others are talking about, but it will encourage others to follow you.
  • A pretty Tumblr is a successful Tumblr. There are plenty of free themes to choose from when you are starting. Usually the simpler the theme, the nicer it looks.
  • This will ensure you are more visible. Tumblr is a very interactive platform, so make sure that you show love! And remember to reblog; never steal posts!

How to Create the Perfect Posts on Photo Sharing Sites: Tumblr

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By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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