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Marketing Tactics that Don’t Work for Millennials

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Millennials are driving trends, and it takes some research and strategy to develop the perfect marketing campaigns that will trigger their interests. By emphasizing and perfecting your brand experience, millennials will buy your products and services and act as your brand advocates.

DON’T use gimmicks or markdown your product off the bat. Millennials are marketing savvy, and they are aware that you are using gimmicks and random discounts to get their attention. On the flipside, they also think that if the product needs to be discounted, it must not be that great. If you are going to discount, then you must strategize, customize and provide context around it.

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Millennials are driving trends, and it takes some research and strategy to develop the perfect marketing campaigns that will trigger their interests.

DON’T create a “millennial-focused” product, service or marketing campaign. Millennials know when they are being targeted, especially the influencers who have their own followings. A way around this is through customizing and personalizing a product or service for the end user, without making it apparent that it’s for a millennial. This is apparent through the brand experience.

DON’T be self-promotional on social media. A good rule of thumb is 80% great content and 20% self promotion when it comes to posting on social media. Great content consists of interesting, humorous, educational and positive blogs, videos and images. It’s interactive and shareable.

Millennials may be marketing savvy, but once you establish an amazing brand experience for your product or service, they will be brand loyalists for life. Make your brand valuable with a customized and personalized flair (millennials love this!) and let them buy your product or service and, even better, share it with their friends!

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By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a digital markeitng and branding agency headquartered in Chicago. We provide branding, identity, integrated marketing, social media strategy, art direction, web-design & development, startup incubation, commercial video production, product development, and commercial storefront development services to a wide array of clients ranging from bootstrapped startups to successful longstanding companies.

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