The buzzword of the decade in the realm of marketing is SEO. If someone were to ask a contemporary marketer what their job entails, surely he or she will answer “I work with SEO,” which is an immediate signal to stop talking about it because it is very complex.
SEO is, at heart, the science of popularity. The rules for generating popularity remain the same from elementary school to the top marketing firms in the world. They are exactly the same. While it is recognizable that such a suggestion may come off as a slight to the industry, one would not suggest operating a popularity firm is easy. It is, as all the popular guys in girls in high school would admit, hard to be so beautiful, so liked, and so darn popular. In this piece we will discuss, among many elements of SEO, the aesthetic foundation required to keep a web presence in touch. We will be doing this, as is the preferred methodology of high school popularity ranking, by identifying web design flaws to avoid. Content over Images It is, admittedly, much easier to look at pictures than reading content on web presences. There are two elements, or metrics rather, one ought to consider. One metric is site traffic and the higher it is, the better. While more traffic is good, it also ought to drive relevant and prospective clientele in order for lead generation, which is the ultimate goal. It is one thing for people to be talking about you, which is often the baseline goal for popularity, but it is wholly another thing for people to be interested in you. Images do not achieve the goal of lead generation, because those leads need to know about products, services, and overall business concerns. Content should be the first priority. The better the content, the more qualified the lead. Navigation Rules the Nation Finding oneself lost in a situation can be treacherous and beyond uncomfortable. Being able to read a website, person, product, or campaign on several levels of comprehension aid in popularity and SEO. Developing a web presence that is sensible, intuitive, and responsive that appeals to navigation can lead to better usage. If a firm is selling a product or service, it is best that their prospective clients and customers can easily check out what they do. Obstructing that ability can do one of two things, it can either make you more popular because of speculation, but more often than not it results in the loss of prospective clients. Bubble Networking
In order to be popular, or to have great SEO, one needs to be in that clique that everyone knows about and wishes they were in. This effort is disguised as networking potential, and when one firm checks you for possible collaboration (which is regarded as an ‘in’) both firms will evaluate the benefits of said networking potential. Having active links from other web presences means more traffic and possibly more lead generation. It also means that if your web presence is on another destination there are effectively less obstructions and more free flow of traffic. Denying others from participating, or at least the aesthetic effort of mentioning you have got partners is a huge flaw in web design.
By: ParadigmNext
ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a digital agency headquartered in Chicagoland. We provide branding, identity, integrated marketing, social media strategy, art direction, web-design & development, startup incubation, commercial video production, product development, and commercial storefront development services to a wide array of clients ranging from bootstrapped startups to successful longstanding companies.
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