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Rich Content: 6 Goals to Success

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The principles of marketing are not changing, and haven’t changed in nearly 20 years.  What is changing is the medium in which these principles are applied.  A good way to think about the transition from traditional marketing to ParadigmNEXT is by thinking of all of your content (website, facebook, etc.) as your brand.

To help build your brand, follow this 6-step guide to make sure you are getting the most out of your content.

Content Goal 1:  Build your brand

In the old days of Marketing, building and maintaining a brand took years (Coca-Cola).  You would slowly establish your brand over time with print design, broadcast advertising, or direct mail.  It was a simpler time, before “social” was an adjective.

But now, with the advent of new media such as web video, social api’s, and CRM’s, building your brand can take a week.  But, as the saying goes, “You only get out of it what you put into it.”  By increasing your social presence, you may be attracting new customers, but you may also be attracting new competition.  Separate your brand from the pack by establishing yourself as a “thought leader” of the industry, and you will not only build a brand’s reputation, you will also attract new prospects.

 Content Goal 2:  Attract new prospects

This isn’t complicated.  Once your brand becomes recognizable, your blog on linkedin goes viral, or your web video hits 5,000 views, you may find yourself attracting new clients.  But, based on your content, you want to make sure you are attracting the right audience.  Are you reaching the right verticals at the right time?  There are tools out there to help, such as, or

Content Goal 3:  Increase customer engagement

For a well established business, there is nothing more important than safeguarding your brand from poor customer reviews.  But, while it may be embarrassing, it’s important for every business to realize the benefit of customer feedback.  Allowing every voice to carry weight allows every customer the right to engage your brand.  After all, “Social” means the conversation goes two ways. So, instead of hiding negative feedback, use it as a positive to learn more about the customers needs, and publicly thank each review for engaging with their products.

Encouraging customer interaction builds a relationship between a company and a customer, but “social” makes it more than just business.  Your brand becomes a trustworthy advisor or news source.  It becomes a friend with a good joke to lighten your day. And, if your content is good, it becomes synonymous with your product (think Kleenex).

Content Goal 4:  Increase lead generation

Let’s say you have a need for a product or a service.  You used to go to the yellow pages, or call your friend.  These days, you may google it, or look on facebook.  Does the brand have a website? Is it well-designed and easy to navigate? These are all of the things that a potential customer is looking for, and without it, you may get looked over.

A great way to stand out from the crowd, is by increasing your websites’ Search Engine Optimization.

Content Goal 5:  Drive sales

Content can deliver news about a new product that you offer, or deliver a coupon. It can inform your audience about a sale you are having this month, and it can be used to upsell or cross-sell.  At the end of the day, every business wants to increase sales.  It’s the by product of all capitalist endeavors, and it is always a goal of ParadigmNEXT.

Content Goal 6:  Increase customer loyalty

Finally, the ability of content to create personal, intimate relationships can a be benefit for nearly every brand. Customers who follow your brand online can interact frequently, opening new venues for selling your products.  And, if you are a thought leader, your brand’s blog may be used as a credible source of information for editorials, blogs, and even news organizations (check out our press section.)

At the end of the day, nearly all businesses would be better off by producing original, thoughtful, engaging content to promote their brand.  It’s also what ParadigmNEXT does best.

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