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Techniques You Should Try To Get The Creative Ball Rolling

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ParadigmNEXT: Techniques You Should Try To Get The Creative Ball Rolling

Working in creative fields such as advertising, marketing or public relations, having those “ah-ha” moments don’t always come as easily as it may seem. Creating those outside-of-the-box ideas, on a consistent and constant basis, could become overwhelming, and quite demanding. Most of the time, to get the creative ball rolling, we are inspired by current events, natural surroundings or coincidental moments. The spark that helps someone ignite their project may never come, but no need to worry. We at ParadigmNEXT follow certain techniques that help us steer away from writer’s block, lack of motivation, and boredom.

There are easy ways to turn the mundane into something worth your creative passion. Whether it’s a project for work or a personal venture, if you’re able to find a sense of purpose and passion, then the creative juices will start flowing. Below you will find some suggested techniques that will help you become more innovative, original and creative, especially when you need it most. Thanks to Christina Desmarais of Inc. who wrote 25 Ways to Be More Creative, and Harry Gardiner of Koozai who wrote 8 Creative Thinking Techniques and The Tools To Use, for inspiring this post!

Create a Specified Angle

When you begin your project, it is important to have a clear and concise end goal. What is it that you want to achieve here? Too often, when the project is vague, or maybe even broad, we can lose focus. You need to create a specified angle, and to start, you have to do your research. With a clear understanding of the background, purpose and goal of the project, you will have a better idea of how to approach it. Follow your instincts and create the angle that will inspire you to complete the project.

Be Open to Changing Course

Now and then, it is often the best option to change the course of your project. Sometimes it just evolves naturally this way. If you find yourself struggling with your creativity, then tweak the concept. Be open and innovative. Crafting a successful project takes trial and error. Continue to churn out more ideas, get feedback, take a break, and then look at it again. Through the process, you will narrow down your ideas to exactly what you’re hoping to create. Furthermore, when you seek out feedback, you will end up with a crisper and more fine-tuned projectt.


As you are probably already aware, procrastinating is simply ineffective when trying to generate creativity.  Rather, taking breaks, being active and doing something out of the ordinary can lead to those light bulbs turning on your mind! When you’re on a creative jolt, go with it. Work overtime, and crank those ideas out, because as we all know, when the creative spark is there, you have to use it!

Ask for Comments (and Criticism!)

A big step in the creative process is allowing others to critique and evaluate your earlier projects and work. Doing so will not only improve your creativity, but also your productivity. With any project there are always  things you can take away, so that you to learn and implement them the next time. Also, internally, you should be judging how your own work. The creative process is neverending. Continue to brainstorm and craft something you’re truly proud of.

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By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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