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Our Top 5 Ads of Super Bowl 50

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The Super Bowl is about much more than just football. It’s about tradition, coming together with friends and family, and most importantly for marketers, the ads. With a 30-second spot costing up to $5 million dollars, the brands and agencies involved in the strategy and execution of these spots are trendsetters of the industry. Here are our top 5 most memorable ads of Super Bowl 50.

Audi: “The Commander”
This ad depicted a retired astronaut who got to experience the feeling of space travel again by driving an Audi. It was beautifully executed and nicely timed with a tribute to David Bowie through his song, Starman. The commercial left us feeling like with an Audi we could accomplish anything.

NFL: “Super Bowl Babies”
NFL nailed it with an ad at their biggest event of the year. The short and sweet Super Bowl baby spots throughout the beginning of the game lead up to groups of “Super Bowl Babies” born nine months after the big game singing along with Seal. It was memorable and different than anything ever done before. NFL had to make a big impression for their 50th anniversary and they did just that.

Advil: “Distant Memory”
This was a solid commercial that sent a clear message. It was to the point, relatable, and said exactly what it wanted people to know, “Advil is the best.” Sometimes being transparent is the best way to reach your audience.

Mountain Dew: “PuppyMonkeyBaby”
This wasn’t necessarily our favorite commercial of Super Bowl 50, but it was shocking and unforgettable. It featured a bizarre mystical creature that combined three of our favorite things into one, just like the new Mountain Dew beverage. Maybe it wasn’t the funniest or most emotionally charged commercial of 2016, but it generated thousands of trending tweets and conversations on social media, which is half the challenge.

Budweiser: “#GiveADamn”
In 2016, Budweiser abandoned their usual approach of using puppies and horses to create a story. Instead, one of their spots featured Helen Mirren speaking directly to the viewer and warning them of the dangers of drunk driving. The copy is sharp and the impression left on the audience was strong.

Nothing brings people together quite like a great Super Bowl commercial. We want to hear from you. What were your favorite ads of Super Bowl 50?

By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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