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Top Ways to Dig Your Team Out of a Creative Rut

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ParadigmNEXT: Top Ways to Dig Your Team Out of a Creative Rut

At ParadigmNEXT, we thrive on creativity. Our creativity is part of our culture, and every person on our team is involved in the creative process that we employ for our clients-from concept to execution. However, we know better than anyone that there are always ebbs and flows to the creative process. As a result, we’ve come up with some ideas to help ourselves and other creative businesses get out of the creative rut:

  1. Create space for creativity to enter. This space isn’t necessarily a physical space in your office. It’s space in your mind. It can be done by going for a walk, or taking a shower, or looking out a window. In other words, do something else! Something as simple as stretching out and taking a deep breath can help you get your team out of a creative rut.
  2. Be present in the moment. It’s easy to get distracted during a busy workday. When we become mindful and put our attention in the present moment, we give creativity a chance to focus and come through. Internal worries, reminders and chatter don’t help when trying to get out of a creative rut!
  3. Shake up your routine. Doing new things on a regular basis can spark creative potential and ideas. This also includes doing the exact opposite of what you’ve been doing. When you look at or think about something from a different angle and/or perspective, your creativity is enhanced.
  4. Listen to music. It’s been proven that music could actually alter your mood, relieve internal chatter and stress, and jump-start creativity. Pick the type of music that reminds you of your client. Whatever you choose to listen to, you will be altering your brain waves and shifting your mental state.  
  5. Talk it out. Communication is part of our culture and part of our creative process. When we bounce ideas off each other, we are tuning into different perspectives. Someone from our editorial department could have a great suggestion for someone in our graphics department. Take your team out for a bite to eat or for a cup of coffee and start conversing. You’ll be out of the rut in no time!

To get out of a creative rut, you do not need to work longer or harder. The old model of time plus effort equals a great product is not always true. We hope that these tactics will help you kickstart your imagination so that you and your team can reach new creative heights.

How do you dig your team out of a creative rut?

Tell us your story, we'll consult with your brand.

By: ParadigmNext


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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