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  • Finding the Best Location to Live for a Busy Chicago Digital Marketer

    Finding the Best Location to Live for a Busy Chicago Digital Marketer

    Moving into a city like Chicago as a digital marketer can be a lot to take in. So many different neighborhoods and cultures mixed together and you’ve got to figure out the color coded train system on top of that. Don’t even get us started on the food. Well how about we make your job a little easier with a comprehensive list of what each neighborhood offers and what might get you to turn away?
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  • ParadigmNEXT's Guide to Working Smarter, Not Harder

    ParadigmNEXT’s Guide to Working Smarter, Not Harder

    At ParadigmNEXT, we love hard work. We enjoy the satisfaction, the rewards and the success we see as a result of it. However, while there is nothing wrong with hard work, we are able to achieve the results that we see by working smarter, not harder. In the past few weeks, as we’ve onboarded more clients and new opportunities, we’ve had to rework some of our structures and become more organized so that we can capitalize on all these new ventures.
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