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  • Featured Friday 1871 Chicago.

    Featured Fridays: 1871

    1871 is a hub for digital startups and entrepreneurs. Even though the name 1871 is associated with the year of the Great Chicago Fire, it is more symbolic of what happened after the fire, when a group of innovative builders, engineers and inventors came together to build a new and modern city.
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  • 5 On-Page Optimization SEO Techniques to Implement Now

    5 On-Page Optimization Techniques to Implement Now

    Now more than ever, it’s essential for marketers to stay on top of their SEO, especially since search engines have updated their algorithms to make relevancy extremely important. Through on-page optimization you can help search understand what your website is about, which will ultimately improve your search rankings and online visibility.
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  • Verie application marketing and digital branding collateral.

    Featured Fridays: Verie

    Verie is a mobile, virtual photo ID that allows users to share a verified ID with any person or business they choose. The Verie network will revolutionize the online world by creating the means to combat fraud, violent crime, and false identities.
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  • SEO Strategy from Digital Marketing Agency ParadigmNEXT in Chicago.

    Why the SEO Haters are Wrong

    As many of us know, SEO is still relevant. However, to those who avoid it, i.e. “the haters,” they find it hard to understand its marketing power. Part of this could be attributed to the fact that there are many elements to SEO, some of them debatable.
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