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Featured Friday: Webinar With Mitch Greenwald of Cloudbakers

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Webinar with Mitch Greenwald of Cloudbakers

Don’t get left behind. Jump off a cliff and land on a cloud.

On Wednesday July 20, ParadigmNEXT is hosting its monthly BigMarker webinar series with our special guest Mitch Greenwald, industry thought-leader,  Founder of Cloudbakers and former CIO of a $400M Human Resource Outsourcing company. The topic for this webinar is “The Cloud: Increase Team Collaboration While Streamlining Your Marketing, Sales and Accounting Processes”.

Moving from on-premise servers to the cloud can be a big change, and is often met with hesitancy. This is understandable, as cloud computing represents a huge paradigm shift in business models worldwide. Still, this shift is well-founded. Collaboration has taken on a new meaning. Efficiency is saving time and money like never before. Companies are advancing at an exponential rate, and waking up to a new operational style.

While some are already taking advantage of its low cost, high productivity results, others are still seeing it as too big of beast to tackle. But the transition to the cloud doesn’t have to be as complicated as some make it out to be.

Our guest speaker, Mitch Greenwald, has been doing IT solutions for 35 years and cloud solutions for 7. Before 2010, when he was CIO of a $400M company, he was given the ultimate task to do more with less. He researched, experimented and implemented numerous cloud solutions. Over the years he realized there is a successful pattern for migrating companies to the cloud; in the end it comes down to a 3 step process.  As he likes to say, “he jumped off a cliff and landed on a cloud”.

During the upcoming webinar Mitch will discuss these three stages of transitioning your business into the cloud. He will not only focus on the importance of cloud tools for each business department, but how those different tools should work together with one another – how they connect and as a result, how your team connects. Where are the cracks?  Where is data falling through?
Mitch will bring these gray areas to light and explain how they can be overcome. He will then dive deeper into steps on how to evaluate tools to find the right ones for your business, and follow the process through the full deployment stage. Once the groundwork is placed, he will show one of our own use cases to help guide you through creating one for yourself.

Register here for the webinar.

By: ParadigmNEXT


ParadigmNEXT, Inc. is a new kind of marketing agency that integrates the two sides of the brain: strategic communications and business know-how. Connecting creativity with expertise in multiple industries, we are able to deliver measurable improvements and maximum impact.

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